Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee,
and give thee peace.
B l e s s i n g s b e y o n d m e a s u r e in 2010!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My Christmas card to you
At Christmas we think of carols, of turkey and all that good Christmas baking, of special family times and celebrations, and of course gifts. We can not forget the gifts but what about the rest of the year. Do we remember that every day comes bearing gifts. Oh, they may not look like Christmas gifts or be wrapped like them. Sometimes they may even be disguised but every day in different ways we are given gifts let’s untie the ribbons and enjoy the blessings that come our way each and very day of the year regardless of how the gift may be wrapped.
The story is told that in December 1903 the Wright brothers were finally, successful in getting their “flying machine” off the ground. Thrilled, they telegraphed their sister Katherine, “We have actually flown 120 feet. Will be home for Christmas.” Katherine hurried to the editor of the local newspaper and showed him the message. He glanced at it and said, “How nice. The boys will be home for Christmas.” He totally missed the big news – man had flown!
Today, many people make the same mistake when they hear the word Christmas. Family gatherings, turkey with all the trimmings, decorations, and gifts come to mind. As wonderful as all that is, if that is all Christmas means to us, we are then missing its true significance.
Jesus came ~ born and placed into a manger.
He lived a humble life as a servant even though He was a King.
He chose not an earthly kingdom but a cross.
He gave not just a little but everything for you and me.
Will I in return give my all to Him?
In 2010 I pray each one of us may we live, and move, and have our being in Him. That we will go from glory to glory. That in Him we will be one. That in everything we will give thanks and that we will pray for all men, making intercession for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life.
To you and your family M e r r y C H I S T m a s
and B l e s s i n g s b e y o n d m e a s u r e in 2010.
Points to Ponder
‘Jesus has a bad day’(see Points to ponder in Oct.)came out of my time in the Word in a very busy season this fall when I was squeezing 27 hours into a day 24 hour day. At least I was trying to. This passage let me know Jesus not only understood but He also experienced what I was going through and as I continued to press into Him He would make a way... He did. Good is good!
Almost two months later the parallel passage from Mark 6 was speaking to me but from a different view point. Verses 51b – 52 are what sparked my notes below but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Has it ever sounded cool to be a disciple? If I could have walked and talked with Him, be in the inner circle, to see all the miracles and to have access to Him 24 / 7. Life would be so good. I would have it made. Right? Yes! But it was not always so fun and cool having an inside connection to God.
Here are some my thoughts as sparked by Mark 6 and how I might have felt if I was a disciple that day. The most important part is however the lesson learned.
Jesus ~ did he not know everything? He sure seemed to when it came to others he knew what the religious leaders thought and often confronted them about it before they even said or did anything.
He seemed to perceive the needs of others before anything was said.
So, did Jesus not know He was sending us into a deadly storm?
Here we are sacrificing everything for Him, going without meals and sleep. Leaving us hungry and tried. Sometimes we not only feel tried and hungry because we missed another meal and had another long day but now we can not even get personal time with Him ~ quiet time away with Him to refresh, rest, pause, enjoy life. The demands, expectation of the crowds on Jesus is really starting to take a toll on us – physically, emotionally and mentally.
So when Jesus said let’s get away we really did not mind getting the boat ready and sailing it to the other side because we finally going to get a day off, time to rest, time alone with Jesus – not serving, not helping with crowd control, not people pushing and mulling so close around us we can hardly breathe all day, every day. You know everybody gets so excited about the miracles and all but really it’s nothing special. It’s just who Jesus is. It’s an everyday occurrence. Relax people – give us some space for just once. Jesus will still be here tomorrow. He’s not going anywhere.
Okay it’s not cool that John the Baptist just got beheaded but I’m sure glad that it’s providing a chance to get away from it all. A little work to get there but it will be worth it all.
But wouldn’t you know, people ran ahead of us. A few of them ran so fast they even beat us there. Our day off, day away is not going as planned, as hoped. Jesus, it seems, can not just say no. It looks like another day of ministry, crowds, expectations, demands, questions, serving.
Oh, we know it’s mostly directed at Jesus but we are His disciples. It affects us, the crowds, the demands, even the expectations and accusations when we don’t act the way people think we should, Others try to use us to get closer to Him. They really don’t care about us – they are just using us to get to him. We are getting tired of it - we just need a day off, okay maybe a week or more but we be glad even for just one day but even that was now ruined.
Besides our day off being ruined, now Jesus sent us into a storm ~ what is this all about? He must have known it was coming. He seems to know everything else. We might even be ticked right now with Jesus, life and everything if we were not fearing for our very lives.
Today is one of those days we’ll be glad when it’s all over.
You know you really have to have thick skin to be a disciple. Some days we just don’t care any more. The fun, the excitement, the thrill is gone, vanished. It just seems so hard, tiring, self scarifying. One day is the same as the next miracle after miracle, crowd after crowd – its all so common place. Why do the crowds get so excited? Oh we love the glory, the fame, the status that comes with being associated with Jesus. People envy us. They want to be one of us. If they only knew what it really was like they would think twice about it. Oh don’t get me wrong it is pretty cool most days but it does get pretty
routine after awhile. It’s nice to have personal time with Him although at times it’s almost impossible
~ I mean with the crowds, the other 70 disciples and then sometimes we are so hungry and tired all we want to do is eat and sleep. Nonetheless, most of the time it’s still pretty cool but today was one of those days we really wanted a day to chill with Jesus, to be left alone.
So when Jesus came walking on the water (no one had done that before) we thought He was a ghost... we were filled with terror. When we found out it was Jesus we were so relieved. Then He calmed the storm that was threatening to take our very lives. We were soooo amazed ~ beyond what words can express. He personally demonstrated His care for us ~ it amazed us ~ filling us with wonder.
It was then we understood that our hearts had been hardened we did not even consider the miracle of the loaves and fishes. It was meaningless to us. We had lost understanding, perspective. We had become hard, callus, dull, uncaring, selfish, and more concerned about us than others. Our thick skin was not protecting us from the outward pressures but hindered us from receiving from Jesus. From receiving times of refreshing even in the midst of hectic schedules, demands, expectations – whither real or self imposed they hinder us from times of refreshing, from our hopes, dreams and desires.
When Jesus calmed the storm we understood that Jesus really cares about us to and that His time in the Word and prayer is what keeps Him so level headed, able to always give, serve and deal with life without blowing up like we do, becoming hard, callus, uncaring and lacking the power of understanding. Oh how we need to be more like Him.
Lessons learned – stay fresh or loose perspective.
When I become, hard, callus, uncaring, tried, dull I lose the power of understanding, to hear and to perceive what God is saying and doing.
Staying fresh with God keeps the heart soft and pliable in the busy, craziness of life, the demands and responsibilities that can become overwhelming at times along with cares and expectations that just want to make us get away from it all.
Even the common place of God moving in our lives can be taken for granted and thus dull us from what He really is saying and doing.
The danger is to run from what’s at hand and in the process also to shut God out. Not intentionally but it happens easily when we try to shut everything out we shut out God too – our Source of refreshing, wisdom, strength, understanding and all we need.
Thus I am reminded to daily delight myself in the Lord. Ps.1:2, 37: 4
To abide in Him. John 15: 4
Jesus is my perfect example of staying fresh.
His secret, staying plugged into the Word and prayer – communication with the Father.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Fun day with my nephew
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hiking the Bruce - Sept. 09
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Newsletter Fall 09
Hi it’s me again.
Why not grab a drink and we’ll sit down and have a short visit.
So much has happened it’s like God is accelerating everything in my life…
I can only briefly skip over a few things; the rest will have to remain unsaid…
Since the last newsletter I’ve attend three weddings including two sisters who were married exactly two months apart to the day.
Then during late July and August I was able to get together with various friends I had not seen for a while... and expect to see another friend from out of the province soon.
I also enjoyed two theater productions and lots of hiking with friends and new acquaintances along various parts of the Bruce trail.
Late Sept and through to early November has been extremely busy…
During this time God spoke to me in my bible study to let me now that Jesus also experienced crazy days that did not fit the plan and that He knows what I was going through and that as I keep my time with Him priority God can make what seems impossible possible.
By the time Thanksgiving arrived I was exhausted but I received three things to encourage and refresh me that weekend. One a friend emailed me the scripture Isaiah 40:29-31 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Another friend prayed for me meeting me both where I was at and what God has place in my heart for the year… Mark’s prayer renewed my faith when I was physically weary. It was like when Aaron and Hur lifted Moses arms when he was tried. Then that afternoon my niece came and gave me the longest hug ever.
Starting next weekend I’ll have a long weekend almost every week until the end of the year. While I have plans filling most of them I am still looking forward to the extra time off, to rest, to catch up on stuff and to just spend time in God’s presence as well as gain fresh vision and direction for the year to come.
Since the start of the year I felt I really should get some exercise worked into my schedule but it keep getting put off. There was always something else to do and I had little motivation to move it higher on my priority list but it was still a goal for this year. Then in late June when my niece and nephew was here for 2 ½ days I finally got the kick start I needed when we went out for an 8 km bike ride.
Since then, as I’ve already mentioned, it has primarily been hiking the Bruce Trail. I also this past weekend had a chance to try rappelling and zip lining.
The highlight of the day was on my last run on the zip line. It was the best run of the day but what made it so special was not the excitement of running off the cliff with the thrill, the rush, the freedom you feel as your feet leaves solid ground. Nor the ride itself or doing a free fall (by choice) on the repel down to the beach line at the end of the zip line.
It happened as I came in there was a father with two young daughters who had been taking my photo. The oldest girl was about 7 or 8, with eyes wide open, standing motionless and completely speechless as she took the whole thing in. I just smiled and said, “Its fun” before adding, “Maybe when you get older your father will let you try it too”. It was then at that moment that she blurted out “I just want to be like you”. Okay, it’s not spiritual or anything but just the way she said it made my day.
God is also teaching me to be still, wait on Him, in His presence…
I have also really enjoyed a small group at the church this fall called ‘Beside Still Waters’ in which we just worship Him and soaked in His presence.
There are so many songs that have touch my life since last writing I could not even try to mention them all… Nonetheless they tended to have two things in common – they are older songs and they speak of who God is.
The song that started it all is a great song that speaks about Gods faithfulness... While I only have the words for you I trust they will nonetheless minister to you and encourage you…
You are faithful, Lord
Never failing friend
Unchanging God
Eternal Saviour
You are Faithful, Lord
Never waving guide
Unending Source
Ageless Creature
You are faithful, Oh Lord
More faithful than the sun to rise, the stars to shine
The seasons change you are, You are
More certain than the moon to cast the Light, the tides to turn again
You are, You are…
More faithful than our minds
Could ever comprehend
Your Word defines
You are, You are
More faithful than the things
We see and that our feelings
Seem to say
You Are,
You are…
As you have always been
So you will always be
The living Word
The Solid Rock
Who holds our hearts
In perfect peace.
The second song I’m going to mention is My Redeemer Lives – 4:35 min long.
The video clip they put with the song is of team Hoyt running the iron man. The iron man is a 4 km swim, 180 km cycling and 42km run.
If you have not heard of Team Hoyt (Dick & Rick Hoyt) and their story then you need to watch this 5:46 min long interview first. You’ll appreciate that video clip all the more. It’s worth the watch and speaks of a fathers love for his son...
If this story blows you away just remember how much more God our heavenly Father loves you.
In summary worship has played an import role since the last newsletter. . I’ve seen an increased in connection with others, an increased in exercise, and learning to wait on God in a fresh way.
There is one more thing… but that will have to wait…???
Got you guessing yet??? Stay tuned.
B l e s s in g s B e y o n d Me a s u r e
P.S. There are three ‘Points to Ponder’ on my blog @
They may interest you if you have not already seen them…
Points to Ponder
One day I dreamed a dream; a dream about a ring - a promise ring.
It was, however, no ordinary ring.
(Oh, I know, you may say, “No promise ring is ever ordinary to the one who receives it, for now, her dreams seem but a breathe away as she imagines walking down the isle, and like children the night before Christmas who have visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads so she has these and so many more dreams dancing about hers).
But this promise ring was different. It truly was no ‘ordinary’ ring.
It was a promise ring delivered by a messenger.
As the messenger slipped the small black velvet box containing the ring gently into her hands with his hands wrapping around hers so that she might hold the soft velvet box but not open it, for first she must hear the message that it contains.
The messenger warmly smiles as he says “this box contains a promise ring. A ring to remind you of the message I’m about to deliver. It’s a message from God. He wants you to know that He will be your Father, your Husband and your Friend. He will not forsake you or leave you - ever. He is always with you. He loves you. He cares for you. Trust Him, lean on Him. He’s there for you, always”.
Just then as the message ended he turned and slipped into the crowd, disappearing just as quickly as he had come. The young women was standing in awe still not quite sure what just had happened while at the very same moment knowing that God really does love her and care for her much more than she ever realized before. It was not about the ring for the ring was just a symbol to remind her about how much God loved her, and cared for her. That He would never leave her alone.
He gave Noah a rainbow and He had just given her a ring, a very special promise ring. A ring to daily remind her of His personal love and care no matter where she would go, or how she felt or what her need was, - God would be right there with her, guiding her and caring for her. This was no ordinary ring. It was a promise ring worth keeping. As the dream ended I wondered and knew it was not just about a young lady and a promise ring but about a promise for you and me to carry, daily in our hearts that the Father loves and cares for me, for you more than we could ever imagine.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Mully Children’s Family
I had the pleasure to meet some of the Mulli family this spring.
A lovely family with a great story...
Then recently on Saturday Oct 17th I had the opportunity to participate in a bowl-a-thon for the Mully Children’s Family Charitable Foundation (MCFCF) a humanitarian organization committed to transforming the lives of orphaned, abandoned and abused children in Kenya who have no where to call home.
They are impacting and changing lives forever.
The picture here was taken at the bowl-a-thon. From right to left
Mueni Mulli, Dennis and myself.
Check out their web site @ for more information about MCFCF or their tour across Canada which is already under way.
Check out this 15 min video on MCFCF @
Here’s a biography worth reading.
‘Father to the Fatherless – The Charles Mulli Story’ by Paul H. Boge
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Points to Ponder
Matthew 14
First of all Herod makes a rash, ill thought through promise to his niece and now his step daughter all because she danced a dance on his birthday that emotionally delighted and pleased him personally and in front of his guests. When his niece/ step daughter requested John the Baptist head he was uneasy, grieved, and sorry over his decision but rather than do what he knew was right he choose to ‘save face’ in front of his friends and fulfill his promise.
Jesus now has just received word of John’s death. (likely the previous evening). The day is not off to a good start. He just wants to get away to process things, grieve and spend time with His Father. He knows life. His popularity is quickly rising and. if He tries to hid away locally to spend time with God - for times of refreshing He is sure to be interrupted. Some people will even ripped the roof off the house to get into the same room as you. Talk about stalkers – that extreme. So Jesus wants to get away where he can have some peace, quiet, uninterrupted time alone and with God. So He and his disciples head off in a boat across the lake to a desert place. A place sure to fit his needs. Well some one sees him leaving and the word spreads like wild fire.
For some they just want to see the latest sensation, some hears He can meet their needs and they are off to get their emotional high, their entertainment, their healing or just to check out this guy they’ve heard about. His needs and grief does not matter, they are just looking to fill their needs and get an emotional high. The farther they walk along the more word spreads, the more joins the growing crowd. Soon they all arrive on the other side just as Jesus finds the perfect spot to be alone.
If it was me I’d be ticked but not Jesus. He has compassion on them. He ministers to them, heals them and takes time with them. All day. Everyone is getting hungry. No one took enough food when they left for they had not planned to leave town that day and when they did they did not know where they were going or how long they be gone. They were just interested in seeing the miracle worker.
It has been a long day and soon it will be night. These people needed to get home. Jesus provides supper for them and sends them on their journey full and satisfied.
It’s time for Jesus to return to the place where He is staying too but instead He sends the disciples on ahead of him while He stays there alone as originally intended that morning. Now He has no way home but to walk.
The day is spent, he received news that his cousin, friend, and servant of God, and the one who baptised him died. All he wanted to do was spend valuable time with God His Father to be refreshed and built up. Ready for ministry and life but instead He is mobbed by 20 thousand people (or so) seeking him out like the paparazzi seeking out the latest celebrity. Hoping to see a miracle, to hear His stories, to essentially receive from Him and be entertained. That day instead of receiving from God He’s giving out, caring and having compassion on the people. He heals the sick, encouraging them in the things of God and life and even prepares supper for them so they have the nutrition to go home. If it was me I would be drained, exhausted and ready for bed. Probably upset too that no one cared enough about me and my needs. They always want something from me. Not that I minded but it always seem like a one way street. Sometimes I need me time and God time. Does no one understand that? But no, Jesus did not feel that way. Rather He sent the disciples off and spent most of the night quiet before God. It cost Him. He needs sleep too. Tomorrow he be hunted down again, God would have new opportunities for Him as well, disciplining the disciples was an every day event. It would be another full day - too much to do in to little time. What is a guy suppose to do? Well Jesus took the time He needed with God alone even though it would mean a longer trip home tomorrow – something he could not afford to loss more time. But God honoured His priority. He had Jesus take the short cut right across the lake. Everyone would say it’s possible because it meant walking on water. He even caught up to the disciples who left hours earlier and now was caught in a storm. Wonder who’s now having the rough day – well actually night now. But now God breaks out with two more miracles. Peter walks on the water too and Jesus claims the storm. Jesus uses it as a teachable moment with the disciples and they arrive at shore as the day is now in full swing. It is only a matter of moments before He is recognized and the whole thing starts all over again.
Death, interruptions, demands, expectations, much needed time alone and with God vanished, as well as lack of sleep, a storm, plans and intentions shattered and who knows what else. I would call that a bad day. Well that was one of many bad days Jesus had but He handle it different than I would have.
Rather than seeing interruptions, demands and expectations He saw them as opportunities to demonstrate Gods love and compassion as an opportunity to do what He was called to do and not as an interruption from it. He also knew and kept His priorities straight. Although not always easy He kept His time with God sacred, of high, unwavering priority. As a result, God met His emotional and physical and spiritual needs. He made it possible to fit everything into the day that needed to fit. We call it a miracle to squeeze so much into one day but God made a way... for example God let Jesus take a short cut across the lake. It not only saved time but really demonstrated to the disciples who Jesus was (vs. 33) and provided another teachable moment. So what could have been a bad day in the life of Jesus has become one of the most talked about days of his life - the feeding of the 5,000 plus, the walking on the water by Him and Peter and the claiming of the storm in one day plus all the healings. that happened. Yet in all the excitement of the chapter and a brief glimpse into the life of Jesus let’s not miss on what this chapter is really all about – time alone in the prayer closet with God.
Lessons learned – How I view things can make it a bad day or a great day and my time with God no matter the cost needs to be of the highest, most unshakable, unwavering thing in my life for it is my life, my strength, my hope, my future is wrapped up in that time with Him.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Points to Ponder
The stock market goes up & down.
We all have experienced or heard or read about
the volatility of the markets.
Even though the general direction of the markets
is up, 90 % of the people who invest in stocks
loose money
So why does the market tend to go up and up
and up while the majority of traders see their
investing accounts go down and down and down.
One of the big reasons is that successful traders
are successful because they have and stick to a
detailed plan. You have heard it said that
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
Some of us like planning and some of us hate
it we just like to be spontaneous and go with
the flow but we all have experienced the value
of planning whether we like it or not.
There is a plan that is much bigger and more
significant the planning how to trade stocks or
to budget our finances or our daily, weekly or
family schedule
There is a plan to make each and everyone of
us fulfilled & successful in life.
God tells us in Jeremiah 29 that He has a
plan for us. A plan to prosper us, to give us
hope and a future.
Isaiah 49 16 tells us That He has graven us
– you and me - upon the palms of His hands.
God has plan for our lives, for our success
and for our future.
We understand the plan of salvation but
sometimes we struggle to understand
and apply God plan for us at specific time
or in a specific situation or area of our life.
Joshua 1 and Psalms 1 tells us that if we meditate
on the Word of God day and night that we shall be
prosperous, have good success and be like the tree
planted by the river whose does not wither and who
brings for it’s fruit in due season.
2 Corinthians 10 5 says to Cast down imaginations
and every high thing that exalteth itself against
the knowledge of God, to bringing into captivity
every thought to the obedience of Christ;
While Philippians 4 8 Says to think on the things
that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, that
are of good report...
God has a good plan for my life, for your life,
for your future. I’m realizing the more we get
the Word into our hearts and we choose to
think and act on the things that agree with
the Word the more we will know and experience
the full abundant life that that God has planned
for each and every one of us.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
video clips to check out
Check out this clips - hope you enjoy them
Summer 2009
Dear Friends
It has been a while since I’ve written. Partly I’ve been busy and partly I felt I had nothing to say. It’s not that God has not been doing things in my life. There just was nothing big or dynamic but then when God is involved even the ‘small’ things are big and important.
So for those who have been asking – here it is.
As I’ve already stated there have been no significant changes.
Over the last six months it has been more that God has been renewing, refreshing and expanding and dovetailing everything together.
I’ve finished reading through the Old Testament except for Psalms and Proverbs which I will come back to later. Currently I’ve started reading and studying though the New Testament.
The main highlight was from Isaiah. God really began to speak to me about His love. So basic but nothing could be more powerful. Oh I know about Gods unconditional, agape love. I get it. But what God was reminding me that there is more to His love. He loves me not only as God, Father and as Savoir but He also wants to love me as a friend. It was like it was a fresh revelation. He was making His love more personal; He was touching and melting something deep inside of me...
Then from Jeremiah God was showing me some interesting things concerning sin and the consequences of it but then that is a whole other subject that we’ll leave for now. The bottom line is our best response is to be holy as He is holy. To pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send forth labours onto the harvest and to go and make disciples of all nations.
Earlier in the summer I felt led to start to volunteer with VON P.A.T.E.R.
I could have passed it off and found reasons not to but felt it were important at this time to step out in faith and do it…
After a three - four week application process I started with them late June.
So who is VON P.A.T.E.R. and what do they do?
VON – Victorian Order of Nurses which is Canada's largest, national, not-for-profit, charitable home and community care organization, which oversees P.A.T.E.R. They are best known for their home health care services were nurses go to peoples homes and help them with their various health issues. The VON however is much more than that and P.A.T.E.R. is a part of it.
P.A.T.E.R. – People Assisting Transporting Elderly Residences.
In other words I help drive primarily seniors to doctor appointments, groceries shopping, banking etc. It could be because they no longer drive and / or can not afford expensive taxis, and / or do not have a family member or friend who can help them at that time. This helps seniors maintain a level of independence so they can stay in their own home during this season in their life.
Books read
‘Father to the Fatherless – The Charles Mulli Story’ by Paul H. Boge
I had the pleasure to meet some of the Mulli family this spring.
A lovely family with a great story...
If you have a chance to read this biography and/ or to catch
The Mully Children’s Family tour this fall (Oct. – Dec.) I think you will be glad you did. The tour is in process of being set up.
To book them or for details as they develop check this web site
or to read more about them see
Book two
‘Who switched off my brain’ by Dr. Caroline Leaf
We all know scriptures like Romans 12: 1 – 2, Philippians 4: 8 - 9 and 1 Thessalonians 5 : 16 – 18. What Dr. Leaf does in ‘Who switched off my brain’ is to deal with our thought life and how it affects us as she explains in laymen terms the physiologic process that actually happens.
Dr. Leaf then ends up with the best most rounded out detox program I’ve seen.
This link will take you a one page summary of the book if you are interested.
Detox summary by Dr. Caroline Leaf from ‘Who switched off my brain?’
1. Control your thoughts.
Negative emotions evolve out of fear. Positive emotions evolve out of faith.
2. Your words – positive words backed up with honesty and integrity
3. Express your emotions appropriately
4. Take responsibility
5. dream analysis
6. Forgiveness
7. Love
8. Touch
9. Play and laugh. A good belly laugh can make cortisol drop by 39%, adrenaline by 70%
and increase the ‘feel good hormone’ endorphin by 29% and growth hormones by 87%
10. Exercise – break a sweat
11. Diet
12. Know God
13. Relax
Conference - Be in Health with Henry Wright.
Interestingly I had just finished reading, ‘Who switched off my brain’ and Henry spent a lot of time talking about our thought life and how it affects us.
He also started off talking about Gods Love. You guessed it. It dovetailed with my reading in Isaiah.
Also ended up meeting some friends there and we were able to go for supper together – it was good. A good time...
God has also been renewing my personal worship times.
It would be hard to pick out just one song that has impacted or spoke to me during this time. Here are the top three with web links to play them.
You Are Worthy of My Praise (David Ruis) (3.25 min long) or
(6:25 min. long with better graphics - sung by Vineyard)
I will worship (I will worship)
With all of my heart (with all of my heart)
I will praise You (I will praise You)
With all of my strength (all my strength)
I will seek You (I will seek You)
All of my days (all of my days)
And I will follow (I will follow)
All of Your ways (all Your ways)
I will give You all my worship
I will give You all my praise
You alone I long to worship
You alone are worthy of my praise
I will bow down (I will bow down)
Hail You as king (hail You as king)
And I will serve You (I will serve You)
Give You everything (give You everything)
I will lift up (I will lift up)
My eyes to Your throne (my eyes to Your throne)
And I will trust You (I will trust You)
I will trust You alone (trust You alone)
I will give You all my worship
I will give You all my praise
You alone I long to worship
You alone are worthy of my praise
Hillsong - Desert Song (4:32 min long)
Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides
Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow
As the deer panteth (2:49 long)
As the deer panteth
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after you
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
I want you more than gold or silver,
only you can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy giver
and the apple of my eye.
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
You're my friend and you are my brother
Even though you are a king
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
This is the air I breathe by Hillsongs.
While this song did not make the top three it is a good song and I am going to give it honourable mention. (6:34 min long)
Until next time
B l e s s I n g s B e y o n d Me a s u r e
Scott Smith
Feb. 2009
Newsletter 2009 – Edition 1 – Jan.
The theme for 2008 was Matt. 6:33 ‘Seek first the kingdom of God.’
This verse really set the course for the year.
I began to focus and read though the Word starting in Genesis; making notes – writing it down as God spoke. As I did this I found God speaking even more to me. I found healing, freedom, revelation, understanding flowing in fresh ways. A year later I find a fresh love for the Word of God has grown deep within and my time with God is more precious to me than ever. It’s become my life source. While Matt. 6: 33 was theme for 2008 2 Timothy 1: 7 also had a big impact on me…
As we approached 2009 I was asking ‘God what is your word for 2009’...
He spoke Ps. 37: 4 ‘Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart’...
This was a significant verse for me and I entered 2009 excited about God and what the year ahead would hold although I had no clue about what it might be.
To date I’ve spent about five weeks studying this verse and have made lots of notes. A year ago if you told me I spend over a month studying one verse and have over 20 pages of typed notes (and I’m still not done) I would have raised my eyebrows and thought anything is possible but me – likely not.
But God’s Word is changing me... As I’ve got more and more into the Word, the Word is doing it’s work and as I read books, hear teaching cd’s and the word on Sundays I’m hearing with new ears. Oh the words may be the same but I hearing things , seeing things in a whole new light and depth I thought I knew before but now it’s like I only ‘had a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof’ 2 Timothy 3: 5
Oh I’ve not arrived but any means but being in the Word 2008 has laid a foundation that is allowing me to go to new levels (as long as I continue therein)... highlights to follow as I discover them.
The Motions by Matthew West best summarize in song where I’m at.
Check it out.
The Motions by Matthew West
This might hurt
It’s not safe
But I know that I’ve gotta make a change
I don’t care
If I break
At least I’ll be feeling something
‘Cause just ok
Is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of life
I don’t wanna go through the motions
I don’t wanna go one more day
Without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don’t wanna spend my whole life asking
What if I had given everything?
Instead of going through the motions
No regrets
Not this time
I’m gonna let my heart defeat my mind
Let Your love
Make me whole
I think I’m finally feeling something
Take me all the way
Take me all the way
Take me all the way
My favorite web sites to assist me in the study of the Word are and
My favorite radio station continues to be
Books I’m reading are ‘The Divine Mentor’ by Wayne Cordeiro and ‘The Blood Covenant’ by E. W. Kenyon.
Let’s end up with some humour.
Proverbs 17: 22 tell us that “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine”.
Maybe one of these jokes will bring a smile to your face and heart today.
Little Johnny wanted to go to the zoo and pestered his parents for days. Finally his mother talked his reluctant father into taking him.
"So how was it?" his mother asked when they returned home.
"Great," Little Johnny replied.
"Did you and your father have a good time?" asked his mother.
"Yeah, Daddy especially liked it," exclaimed Little Johnny excitedly, "especially when one of the animals came home at 30 to 1!"
*Thanks to Pastor Tim for this joke!*
Worship brings all kinds of responses, as I observed in church recently. An elderly woman was standing with eyes closed and hands raised in prayer and praise. The three-year-old standing in the pew in front of her turned around and gave her a high-five!
—Jennifer Smith, Fort Gratiot, Michigan. Christian Reader, "Kids of the Kingdom."
According to a recent article I just read on nutrition, they said eating right doesn't have to be complicated. Nutritionists say there is a simple way to tell if you're eating right. Colours. Fill your plates with bright colors. Greens, reds, yellows.
In fact, I did that this morning. I had an entire bowl of M&M's. It was delicious! I never knew eating right could be so easy.
I now have a whole new outlook on life.
*Thanks to Pastor Tim for this joke!*
B l e s s I n g s B e y o n d Me a s u r e in 2009.